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Writer's pictureAbhivardhan

The French-German Report on AI Coding Assistants, Explained

The rapid advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the development of AI coding assistants, which are increasingly being adopted in software development processes. In September 2024, the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) jointly published a report titled "AI Coding Assistants" to provide recommendations for the secure use of these tools.

This legal insight aims to analyse the key findings from the ANSSI and BSI report. By examining the opportunities, risks, and recommendations outlined in the document, we can understand how India should approach the regulation of AI coding assistants to ensure their safe and responsible use in the software industry.

The article highlights the main points from the ANSSI and BSI report, including the potential benefits of AI coding assistants, such as increased productivity and employee satisfaction, as well as the associated risks, like lack of confidentiality, automation bias, and the generation of insecure code. The recommendations provided by the French and German agencies for management and developers are also discussed.


Potential Use Cases for AI Coding Assistants

While AI coding assistants are generating significant buzz, their practical use cases and impact on developer productivity are still being actively studied and debated. Some potential areas where these tools may offer benefits include:

Code Generation and Autocompletion

AI assistants can help developers write code faster by providing intelligent suggestions and autocompleting common patterns. This can be especially helpful for junior developers or those working in new languages or frameworks. However, the quality and correctness of the generated code can vary, so developer oversight is still required.

Refactoring and Code Translation

Studies suggest AI tools may help complete refactoring tasks 20-30% faster by identifying issues and suggesting improvements. They can also assist in translating code between languages. However, the refactoring suggestions may not always preserve the original behavior and can introduce subtle bugs, so caution is needed.

Test Case Generation

AI assistants have shown promise in automatically generating unit test cases based on code analysis. This could improve test coverage, especially for well-maintained codebases. However, the practical usefulness of the generated tests can be hit-or-miss, and they may be less suitable for test-driven development approaches.

Documentation and Code Explanation

By analysing code and providing natural language explanations, AI tools can help with generating documentation and getting up to speed on unfamiliar codebases. This may be valuable for onboarding and knowledge sharing. The quality and accuracy of the explanations still need scrutiny though. While these use cases demonstrate potential, the actual productivity gains seem to vary significantly based on factors like the complexity of the codebase, the skill level of the developer, and how the AI assistant is applied. Careful integration and a focus on augmenting rather than replacing developers is advised.

Studies have shown productivity improvements ranging from 0-45% in certain scenarios, but have also highlighted challenges like the introduction of bugs, security vulnerabilities, and maintainability issues in the AI-generated code. Overly relying on AI assistants and blindly accepting their output can be counterproductive.

Overall, while AI coding assistants demonstrate promising potential, their use cases and benefits are still a mixed bag in practice as of 2024. More research and refinement of the technology is needed to unlock their full value in real-world software engineering.

Merits of the Report

Thorough Coverage of Opportunities

The report does a commendable job of highlighting the various ways AI coding assistants can benefit the software development process:

  • Code Generation: The report cites studies showing AI assistants can correctly implement basic algorithms with optimal runtime performance, demonstrating their potential to automate repetitive coding tasks and enhance productivity.

  • Debugging and Test Case Generation: It discusses how AI can reduce debugging workload by automatically detecting and fixing errors, as well as generating test cases to improve code coverage. Specific examples like JavaScript debugging and test-driven development (TDD) are provided.

  • Code Explanation and Documentation: The report explains how AI assistants can help developers understand unfamiliar codebases by providing natural language explanations and generating automated comments/documentation. This can aid in code comprehension and maintainability.

  • Increased Productivity and Satisfaction: While noting the difficulty of quantifying productivity, the report references survey data indicating developers feel more productive and satisfied when using AI coding assistants, mainly due to the reduction of repetitive tasks.

Balanced Discussion of Risks

The report provides a balanced perspective by thoroughly examining the risks and challenges associated with AI coding assistants:

  • Confidentiality of Inputs: It highlights the risk of sensitive information like login credentials and API keys unintentionally flowing into the AI's training data, depending on the provider's contract conditions. Clear mitigation measures are suggested, such as prohibiting uncontrolled cloud access and carefully examining usage terms.

  • Automation Bias: The report warns of the danger of developers placing excessive trust in AI-generated code, even when it contains flaws. It cites studies showing a cognitive bias where many developers perceive AI assistants as secure, despite the regular presence of vulnerabilities.

  • Lack of Output Quality and Security: Concrete data is provided on the high rates of incorrect answers (50%) and security vulnerabilities (40%) in AI-generated code. The report attributes this partly to the use of outdated, insecure practices in training data.

  • Supply Chain Attacks: Various attack vectors are explained in detail, such as package hallucinations leading to confusion attacks, indirect prompt injections to manipulate AI behavior, and data poisoning to generate insecure code. Specific examples and mitigation strategies are given for each.

Recommendations in the Report

One of the key strengths of the report is the actionable recommendations it provides for both management and developers:

  • Management: Key suggestions include performing systematic risk analysis before adopting AI tools, establishing security guidelines, scaling quality assurance teams to match productivity gains, and providing employee training and clear usage policies.

  • Developers: The report emphasises the importance of responsible AI use, checking and reproducing generated code, protecting sensitive information, and following company guidelines. It also encourages further training and knowledge sharing among colleagues.

  • Research Agenda: The report goes a step further by outlining areas for future research, such as improving training data quality, creating datasets for code translation, advancing automated security control, and conducting independent studies on productivity impact.

Limits in the Report

Limited Scope and Depth

While the report covers a wide range of topics related to AI coding assistants, it may not delve deeply enough into certain areas:

  • The discussion on productivity and employee satisfaction is relatively brief and lacks concrete data or case studies to support the claims. More comprehensive research is needed to quantify the impact of AI coding assistants on developer productivity.

  • The report mentions the potential for AI to assist in code translation and legacy code modernisation but does not provide a detailed analysis of the current state-of-the-art or the specific challenges involved.

  • The research agenda proposed in the report is quite broad and could benefit from more specific recommendations and prioritisation of key areas.

Lack of Practical Implementation Guidance

Although the report offers high-level recommendations for management and developers, it may not provide enough practical guidance for organizations looking to implement AI coding assistants:

  • The report suggests performing a systematic risk analysis before introducing AI tools but does not provide a framework or template for conducting such an analysis.

  • While the report emphasizes the importance of establishing security guidelines and training employees, it does not offer specific examples or best practices for doing so.

  • The recommendations for developers, such as checking and reproducing generated code, could be supplemented with more concrete steps and tools to facilitate this process.

Limited Discussion of Ethical Considerations

The report focuses primarily on the technical aspects of AI coding assistants and does not extensively address the ethical implications of this technology:

  • The potential for AI coding assistants to perpetuate biases present in the training data is not thoroughly explored.

  • The report does not delve into the broader societal impact of AI coding assistants, such as the potential for job displacement or the need for reskilling of developers.

  • Ethical considerations around the use of AI-generated code, such as issues of intellectual property and attribution, are not discussed in detail.

Analysis in the Indian Context

The ANSSI and BSI reporton AI coding assistants provides valuable insights that can inform the development of AI regulation in India, particularly in the context of the software industry. Here are some key inferences and recommendations based on the report's findings:

  • Establishing Guidelines for Responsible Use: The report emphasises the importance of responsible use of AI coding assistants by developers. Indian regulatory bodies may think to develop clear guidelines and best practices for using these tools, including checking and reproducing generated code, protecting sensitive information, and following company policies. These guidelines should be communicated effectively to the software development community.

  • Mandating Risk Analysis and Security Measures: As highlighted in the report, organisations should conduct a systematic risk analysis before adopting AI coding assistants and establish appropriate security measures. Indian regulators could consider mandating such risk assessments and requiring companies to implement specific security controls, such as secure management of API keys and sensitive data, to mitigate risks associated with these tools.

  • Scaling Quality Assurance and Security Teams: The report notes that the productivity gains from AI coding assistants must be matched by appropriate scaling of quality assurance and security teams.

Indian policymakers should encourage and incentivize organisations to invest in expanding their AppSec and DevSecOps capabilities to keep pace with the increased code output enabled by AI tools. This could involve providing funding, training programs, or tax benefits for such initiatives.
  • Promoting Awareness and Training: The ANSSI and BSI report stresses the need for employee awareness and training on the risks and proper usage of AI coding assistants. Indian regulatory bodies should collaborate with industry associations, academic institutions, and tech companies to develop and disseminate educational materials, conduct workshops, and offer certifications related to the secure use of these tools. This will help build a skilled workforce capable of leveraging AI responsibly.

  • Encouraging Research and Innovation: The report outlines a research agenda to advance the quality, security, and productivity impact of AI coding assistants. Indian policymakers should allocate resources and create a supportive ecosystem for research and development in this area. This could involve funding academic research, establishing innovation hubs, and fostering collaboration between industry and academia to address challenges specific to the Indian software development landscape.


In conclusion, while the French-German report on AI coding assistants has some limitations in terms of scope, depth, practical guidance, and coverage of ethical considerations, it remains a valuable and commendable endeavor.

By proactively examining the implications of this rapidly evolving technology, the French and German agencies have taken an important step towards understanding and addressing the potential impact of AI coding assistants on the software development industry.

The report provides a solid foundation for further research, discussion, and policy development in this area. It highlights the need for ongoing collaboration between governments, industry leaders, and researchers to study the effects of AI coding assistants, establish best practices for their use, and tackle the ethical and societal challenges they present.


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