Today, the 2021 Handbook on AI and International Law was released by Hon’ble Justice JR Midha (Retd.). This release event was conducted by the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law.
This handbook, co-edited by Manohar Samal MCIArb, me and others spanned 26 different international law domains where we tried to address how these global trends meet.
It was discussed why India needs to build its own indigenous technology standards and how that can be achieved like it is being tried with the Digital India Act.
It was a riveting panel with Bogdan Grigorescu, Ish Jain, FCIARb, FHKIArb, FMIArb, SFBiam, FPD, FAIADR, Akash Manwani and Sanad Arora.
Thanks Aditya for co-hosting.
The recording of the discussion is available here at
The books are available for purchase at